Hello, I’m Alison, thank you for taking the time to look at our website. I am so excited about our flower farm journey and hope very much that you will become part of our story too.

I have always loved flowers. I grew up surrounded by a beautiful garden, my mum was the flower gardener, my dad the provider of vegetables. Obviously, I had little appreciation of the skill and care needed to establish such a beautiful space but I guess by ‘osmosis’ I absorbed the details and the need to be surrounded by flowers was born.

My husband and I moved into the farmhouse 23 years ago. The garden a blank canvas, has been my space to learn; not only about flowers but also garden design. I’ve loved every moment, I think the pinnacle of our garden’s journey was being open under the the National Garden Scheme, this was a real honour and a joy to meet so many like minded people.

Developing Lower Norton Flower Farm feels like a very natural progression, surrounded by flowers and able to welcome you into the wonderful space that we are creating.

“We are so excited about our flower farm journey and hope very much that you will become part of our story too.”